MothSynth Sample Prep Instructions

These instructions will guide you through the process of converting .wav files to .h files for use in MothOS.
Important, ESP32 memory is extremely limited, keep samples to shorter than 1 second

Download Audacity

Step 1: Converting Audio to Raw in Audacity

* Open your sample in Audacity
* Select File > Export Audio
* Export with following settings:

Format: Other uncompressed files
Channels: Mono
Sample Rate: 44100
Header: RAW (header-less)
Encoding: Signed 16-bit PCM

Step 2: Converting to MothOS .h

* Click on the file link below to convert to .h file
* Select the source raw file from your computer (exported from Audacity)
* .h file will be downloaded
Replace the files in your MothOS/Samples directory, Build project from Arduino IDE
Audacity Export Settings
kick1.raw > kick1.h
kick2.raw > kick2.h
kick3.raw > kick3.h
snare1.raw > snare1.h
snare1.raw > snare2.h
snare1.raw > snare3.h
special1.raw > special1.h
special2.raw > special2.h
special3.raw > special3.h
hihat1.raw > hihat1.h
hihat2.raw > hihat2.h
hihat3.raw > hihat3.h
sfx1.raw > sfx1.h
sfx2.raw > sfx2.h
sfx3.raw > sfx3.h
sfx4.raw > sfx4.h
sfx5.raw > sfx5.h
sfx6.raw > sfx6.h
sfx7.raw > sfx7.h
sfx8.raw > sfx8.h
sfx9.raw > sfx9.h
sfx10.raw > sfx10.h
sfx11.raw > sfx11.h
sfx12.raw > sfx12.h
instrument1.raw > instrument1.h
instrument2.raw > instrument2.h
instrument3.raw > instrument3.h
instrument4.raw > instrument4.h
instrument5.raw > instrument5.h
instrument6.raw > instrument6.h
instrument7.raw > instrument7.h
instrument8.raw > instrument8.h
instrument9.raw > instrument9.h
instrument10.raw > instrument10.h